Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Summers end, to and early Fall

So here is my back yard about a month ago. Everything is huge! MY pole beans and gourds tried to take over the telephone line and the neighbor hood. I have to use a 6 foot ladder to harvest the pole beans. I'll rethink that next year, and probably stick to the bush variety.
Almost everything has been pulled up, its looking pretty bare now. If I didn't have children there would be no such thing as grass in my yard, but I guess they need somewhere to play.
I'm ready for fresh greens, I think naturally we crave vegetables and fruits seasonally. It keeps to a much more simple diet considering I don't have acres and acres of land to plant more varieties.
Today lunch is roasted eggplant and tomato soup. The eggplant was fresh from my family's garden in Pine Bluff and the tomatoes were stewed and canned earlier this summer.

1 comment:

abigail said...

what a gorgeous garden!